Student Name *
Student Date of Birth *
Student Address *
Student Home Phone *
Grade (if applicable) 0123456789101112
Foxboro Classical Ballet Academy Level
Parent Name *
Parent Address (if different)
Parent Home Phone (if different)
Cell Phone
Email *
Emergency Contact Name
Relationship to Student
Emergency Contact Home Phone
Emergency Contact Cell Phone
How did you hear about us?
Please list any allergies or medical concerns we should be aware of.
List any siblings in the Foxboro Classical Ballet Academy.
Medical Consent - I understand that as a parent or guardian I will be contacted if medical attention is required during class time. If I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize an authority of Foxboro Classical Ballet Academy to arrange for treatment as necessary. I shall indemnify, hold harmless, except in cases of willful negligence or misconduct on their part against any and all claims, actions or suits brought for damages or alleged damages and from all liability, loss and expenses, including reasonable legal expenses, resulting from any injury to person or property or from loss of life sustained by my child while my child is a student at Foxboro Classical Ballet Academy. I understand that in signing this Registration Form, I am agreeing to accept the guideline of the Foxboro Classical Ballet Academy. *
Photo Consent - I hereby grant permission to the Foxboro Classical Ballet Academy to use photographs or video of the enrolling student in any and all marketing materials. *