Ballet 3

Group B+

(special group B+ are students that are capable of attending pointe, but have not yet reach the appropriate age. Fuschia uniform)

Pacific Blue/Mint

At this level the students begin a stricter study of ballet with more emphasis on correct posture and placement.  Much more complex combinations of steps are learned and practiced.  Stamina is increased through more repetitive activities at the barre and in the center.  More jumping is introduced as the student’s bones and muscles have matured.  At this level, discipline and concentration is expected and enforced. B+ students have been invited to the pointe class that is offered at their level.  This level requires a minimum of 2+ classes a week, with 3 per week recommended.  More advanced student may be invited to participate in upper level classes, while continuing the more technically basic Ballet 3 classes. Also, it is highly recommended that the students attend Ashley’s Contemporary class on Monday, which will count as an additional class.

Duration: 90-120 minutes

Age Range: 9-15

Prerequisite: Ballet Group B

Dress Code:

  • Pacific Blue/Mint
  • Pink Tights
  • Pink Ballet Slippers, Pointe shoes